Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

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doc. dr. sc. Tamara Kunić

Assistant Professor
assistant professor

Mondays 1 - 2 PM

Department of Communication Sciences
Graduation year:
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Tamara Kunić is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication at Faculty of Croatian
Studies of the University of Zagreb. She holds a Ph.D. in Information and Communication Sciences. In her
doctoral thesis, she explores citizen journalism on Croatian news sites. She graduated in
journalism at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb in 2010. She worked as a journalist in
the political weekly magazine Express and in the daily newspaper 24sata.She translated a dozen of fiction and non-fiction titles from English to Croatian.

Tamara Kunić's academic interests include participatory journalism citizen participation in the production of media content, sentiment analysis in reader comments, internet journalism, traditional journalism and communication on the internet.

Tamara Kunić is a MC member and representative of the Republic of Croatia in two international scientific projects:

  • COST Action OPINION What are Opinions? Integrating Theory and Methods for Automatically Analyzing Opinionated Communication (since October 2022)
  • COST Action Redressing Radical Polarisation: Strenghtening European Civil Spheres facing Iliberal Digital Media; Depolarising EU (since December 2023)


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

Kunić, Tamara (2024) Participatory Journalism and Reader Comments in Croatia, Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, ISBN 978-1-66692-198-4

Zgrabljić Rotar, N., Kunić, T. and Josić Lj. (2023) Reader comments on news portals as a form of participatory journalism: the case of the proposal to award an honorary doctorate to Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić, Media Studies, 14 (27)

Kunić, Tamara Neprihvatljiv govor prema ženama u komentarima čitatelja na hrvatskim informativnim portalima // Medijska istraživanja, 28 (2022), 2; 87-108 doi:10.22572/mi.28.2.4 

Kunić, Tamara; Zgrabljić Rotar, Nada, "Informativni portali", Digitalno doba: Masovni mediji i digitalna kultura, 2. dopunjeno i prerađeno izdanje / Zgrabljić Rotar, Nada (ur.). Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk, 2020. str. 160-190

Zgrabljić Rotar, Nada; Kunić, Tamara; Josić, Ljubica „Komentari, emocije i kultura komuniciranja na informativnim portalima // New Horizonts Culture, Arts and Media in the Digital Environment / Nikolić, Tatjana (ur.). Beograd: Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, 2019. str. 192-194

Zgrabljić Rotar, Nada; Kunić, Tamara „Obilježja i etička pitanja interaktivne komunikacije građana na hrvatskim portalima // Zbornik 2. Informacijska tehnologija i mediji 2017. / Zekanović-Korona, Ljiljana (ur.).
Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru, 2019. str. 87-109

Zgrabljić Rotar, Nada; Kunić, Tamara „News sites in Croatia - citizen participation in comments // Digital Transformations of Mass Media: Regional, National and Global Aspects / Vartanova, Elena (ur.).
Moskva, Rusija, 2018. str. 94-94

Babić, Tihana; Kunić, Tamara „European Refugee Crisis 2015: Press Coverage On Website Dnevno.Hr // Communication Management Forum 2017 ; Living in Crisis Mode: Time to Reconsider Definition, Meaning and Practice?, Proceedings / Verhoeven, Piet ; Jugo, Damir ; Jakopović, Hrvoje ; Ciboci, Lana (ur.). Zagreb: Edward Bernays University College, 2018. str. 265-283

List of select projects

What are Opinions? Integrating Theory and Methods for Automatically
Analyzing Opinionated Communication
OPINION | COST Action CA21129 (2022-)

COST Action Redressing Radical Polarisation: Strenghtening European Civil Spheres facing Iliberal Digital Media; Depolarising EU (since December 2023)